Rimworld Power Armor: Easiest Crafting Ways


As time progresses in Rimworld, deadly mobs, and enemies constantly attack to loot your civilization. When you start to investigate the environment of the colony you live in, you slowly start to make enemies for yourself. You may even be subjected to violent attacks by cannibals, pirates, and other aggressive tribes. In order to defend yourself, you can always have weapons, turrets, and various outfits, such as Rimworld Power Armor. However, at the beginning of the game, it is really difficult to access such items.

Rimworld Power Armor
Rimworld Power Armor

Today, we decided to examine the Rimworld Power Armor variants, one of the game’s state-of-the-art outfits. We will include all the details in our article, including how it is crafted and what materials are required for its crafting. If you are ready, let’s get started and take a quick look at what Power Armor is and is not.

Rimworld Power Armor Types

Power Armor, once called Marine Armor, is now used to describe several sets of armor under a single title. In short, there are three different armor types in total under the name of Power Armor. These three armor types are as follows: Recon Armor, Marine Armor, and Cataphract Armor

If you’ve played this game before, you’ve probably asked yourself, “What is the best armor in Rimworld?” In order to answer such questions, we researched these three armor types in Rimworld in detail. In the list below, you can find all the detailed information about the armors.

By the way, even if your colonists have high-quality armor, they can become depressed over time if they don’t have a tasty meal. If you want to make delicious meals that will remind them of the comfort of their own home, our Rimworld Kitchen guide is for you!

1. Recon Armor Rimworld

Recon armor is an item that has incredible defensive properties, and together with the recon helmet, they make up a full set of armor. If you want to craft recon armor for your colonists, you need your Crafting skill to be level 6. Important materials, including 80 plasteel, 10 uranium, and three advanced components, are also required.

Rimworld Power Armor Recon Set
Rimworld Power Armor Recon Set

We should also not forget the “Prestige Recon Armor” set, which is in first place in the Rimworld Best Armors rankings and newly added to the game with the Royalty DLC. It could possibly be one of the strongest armors in the game right now.

  • Prestige Recon Armor: 100 Plasteel, 10 Uranium, 3 Advanced Components, 90 Gold
  • Prestige Recon Helmet: 40 Plasteel, 1 Advanced Component, 40 Gold

By the way, in order to craft Prestige Armors, which are the strongest of the Rimworld power armor types, your crafting skill must be level 6 as an extra.

Locust Armor

Locust, another powerful armor added to the game with the Royalty DLC, allows quick jumps with rockets and defense against enemy attacks.

Crafting TableNeeded ResearchCrafting SkillRequired MaterialsMarket Value
Fabrication benchJump packs, Recon armorCrafting 6120 Plasteel, 10 Uranium, 3 Advanced components, 3 Components, 100 Chemfuel2230 Silver

Mechlord Suit

The Mechlord Suit, which has a much higher HP level than Recon Armor, has been added to the game with the Biontech DLC. When we consider the difficulty of crafting and the defense values it gives, we can easily say that it is the strongest among the Rimworld power armor types.

Crafting TableNeeded ResearchCrafting SkillRequired MaterialsMarket Value
Mechlord Suit – Fabrication benchUltra MechtechCrafting 72 Nano structuring chips, 1 Powerfocus chip, 120 Plasteel, 8 Advanced components6895 Silver
Mechlord Helmet – Fabrication benchUltra MechtechCrafting 7120 Plasteel, 6 Advanced components, 2 Nano structuring chips5335 Silver

Crafting the Mechlord Armor Set does indeed require a lot of advancement in the game. In particular, the need for advanced components has become a nuisance for most Rimworld players. However, if you make a Mechlord Set, your colonists will be almost immortal.

2. Marine Armor

Marine Armor, which is one of the oldest sets of the game, has been one of the most crafted armors by the players in Rimworld. This set, consisting of two pieces in total, is easier to craft than other armors.

Rimworld Power Armor Recon Set
Rimworld Marine Armor Set
Crafting TableNeeded ResearchCrafting SkillRequired MaterialsMarket Value
Marine Armor – Fabrication benchMarine armorCrafting 7100 Plasteel, 20 Uranium, 4 Advanced components2035 Silver
Marine Helmet – Fabrication benchMarine armorCrafting 740 Plasteel, 1 Advanced component635 Silver

Rimworld Marine Armor is right in the middle of three major armor types. In short, it has a slightly stronger defense than Recon Armor. In the same way, it is weaker than the Cataphract Set.

Prestige Marine and Grenadier Armor

Now, here is a different variant of Rimworld Marine Armor. Prestige Marine Armor and Grenadier Armor are completely independent of each other. Grenadier is an armor that allows the colonist to drop bombs. It provides the greatest possible defense from burns, bullets, cuts, and explosions.

Crafting TableNeeded ResearchCrafting SkillRequired MaterialsMarket Value
Prestige Marine Armor – Fabrication benchMarine armorCrafting 7120 Plasteel, 20 Uranium, 4 Advanced components, 100 Gold2530 Silver
Prestige Marine Helmet – Fabrication benchMarine armorCrafting 750 Plasteel, 1 Advanced component, 50 Gold850 Silver
Grenadier Armor – Fabrication benchMarine ArmorCrafting 7100 Plasteel, 20 Uranium, 4 Advanced components, 75 Steel, 4 Components2305 Silver

Prestige Marine Armors provide 5% additional psychic support to the colonists compared to the Classic Marine Armors.

3. Cataphract Armor Set

Here is the Cataphract set, Rimworld’s strongest armor. Cataphract Armor is an armor that restricts mobility but provides maximum protection. It is known as the strongest armor in the game, as well as one of the most expensive.

Rimworld Power Armor
Crafting TableNeeded ResearchCrafting SkillRequired MaterialsMarket Value
Cataphract Armor – Fabrication benchCataphract armorCrafting 8150 Plasteel, 50 Uranium, 6 Advanced components3120 Silver
Cataphract Helmet – Fabrication benchCataphract armorCrafting 850 Plasteel, 1 Advanced component745 Silver

The materials and skill level required for crafting are really high. Colonists will definitely need this armor in order to survive against enemies, especially in large raids.

Prestige Cataphract and Phoenix Armor

If you have looked at all the details in our guide, most of the armors labeled “Prestige” give the player an additional 5% psychic support besides defense. However, like other Classic Cataphract Armors, prestige slows down the colonist’s movement speed considerably.

Crafting TableNeeded ResearchCrafting SkillRequired MaterialsMarket Value
Prestige Cataphract Armor – Fabrication benchCataphract armorCrafting 8190 Plasteel, 50 Uranium, 6 Advanced components, 180 Gold3930 Silver
Prestige Cataphract Helmet – Fabrication benchCataphract armorCrafting 875 Plasteel, 1 Advanced component, 90 Gold1155 Silver
Phoenix Armor – Fabrication benchCataphract armorCrafting 8150 Plasteel, 50 Uranium, 6 Advanced components, 75 Steel, 4 Components, 40 Chemfuel3480 Silver

The Phoenix Armor that you see on the table is one of the most interesting elements of the game. Like other Cataphract Qrmors, it has been added to the game with the Royalty DLC. What makes it so interesting is that it has the ability to throw fireballs. In other words, it can inflict area damage on enemies by throwing a fireball. This naturally puts the colonists one step ahead against the tribes that come to raid in large numbers.

As a result, when we look at all of these Rimworld Power armor types, we can see that they all share one common feature. They greatly limit the movement speed of colonists while giving them high defense. Likewise, they manage to reduce all other damage, such as bullets, cuts, and burns. I like to equip my colonists with Recon Armor because it is easy to craft and increases their movement speed a bit. What do you think? Which armor do you think is more useful in Rimworld?

Avatar for Sergen Çelik

Although years have passed, I still continue my adventure of RPG and Strategy games passionately, which started with World of Warcraft. And combining this passion with my editorial career, I try to prepare the best video game guides for you.

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