The Elder Scrolls Online Might Get Dropped For A New Title

elder scrolls online
Picture: ESO Steam

Is The Elder Scrolls Online reaching the end of its days? A new job listing from the developer behind the hit MMO could be suggesting such a possibility. While what we have here might be a long shot, every time a game was dropped by a developer, they all followed the same routine. 

The Elder Scrolls Online was released in 2014 and rose the ranks to take the online gaming community by storm. The MMORPG is nearing its tenth birthday and we feel the developers are looking to move away to a brand new masterpiece. Even though The Elder Scrolls Online wasn’t an instant hit, it did manage to gain monstrous belts of momentum.

Zenimax Media, the parent company of Zenimax Online, developed the subsidiary to manage Elder Scrolls Online at the peak of its fame. Over its 10 years, the game managed to build up a healthy community of gamers that racks up close to 18 million. Even after a decade of existence, The Elder Scrolls Online still has a devoted community that regularly gets rewarded with new DLCs and updates.

So what are the job roles?

If you take a peek at the job listings hosted by Zenimax, you might get what we are implying. The company is on the lookout for a brand new team that will be in charge of a new IP that hasn’t been revealed yet. The job listing features a spot for a lead animation software engineer, who will be developing animations using a fresh game engine. More supportive roles are being advertised as “open” within the job listing to aid the game’s development, which is supposedly “ongoing”.

elder scrolls online
Picture: Zenimax Online

From the looks of it, Zenimax Online will be leading the production of the game. While this isn’t the first time the studio shifted away from The Elder Scrolls Online, they have never led another title’s development. Both Doom and Fallout 76 were just them helping out the parent company cope with the gaps in development.

Will it be the end of The Elder Scrolls Online?

Hopefully not! Fans of The Elder Scrolls Online don’t need to panic just yet. There are still tons of job listings hosted by Zenimax for the development of The Elder Scrolls Online. This does mean that the game will be getting more years added to it. However the recent development introduces the fact that ESO will not be another revamped World of Warcraft or Diablo in the making. We highly doubt the developers will keep it going for the next decade. But the good news is that players will still have ample time to traverse Tamriel and all it holds!

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I am Haizen, an avid gaming enthusiast who spends his time fiddling around with his retro consoles. Legend says that I was gifted a gaming console at 7 and the sun shone brighter than ever in a winter evening. If I am not buzzing around the gaming sub Reddits looking for the hottest news, I am sure to be mowing down some baddies in Halo!

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