Summary For Those Who Missed The Diablo 4 Stream

diablo 4 developer live stream

The Diablo 4 developer live stream was held yesterday with a ton of promises on the line. With the bar set high, fans were expecting something that’ll blow their minds off. Guess what? They delivered. The live stream was packed with information on what will be arriving soon to Diablo 4. We created a dandy little summary of the live stream for those might have missed it live!

Season 1

Let’s start off with the seasons! A season in Diablo 4 is set to last a minimum of 12 weeks. Please note that this is a minimum and it doesn’t mean that a season will only last 3 months. From the information that the developers released, they are expecting multiple seasons within a year, which is great news for everyone. Diablo 4 was also given a game lifespan of 10 years! That’s a pretty long duration for a game considering that even games’ like League of Legends are just above it. 

When you multiply 10 years by a minimum of two seasons per year, that’s a whopping 20 seasons for you to enjoy. If you are someone that enjoys the grind and the sense of progression, this news might just be your early Christmas gift.

The new season is set to launch on the 20th of July and is named the “ Season of the Malignant”. The developers have introduced a season specific mechanic called Malignant hearts and mobs for players to experience. This mechanic allows players to collect hearts which adds additional RNG farming to the game. There will also be Malignant Tunnels present in the game that will help players to farm hearts.

In addition to all of the above, Blizzard is aiming to introduce a new character for the players to interact with. We believe the new character is introduced to compliment the new storyline that is being built in Diablo 4.

Balance Changes

Ah, the sweet sound of balance changes! According to the Diablo 4 developer live stream, the latest patch is scheduled to go live on the 18th of July, just two days before the launch of the new season. According to the developers, the patch will not majorly disrupt the meta of the game, nor will completely flip the tables around. Think of the patch as a quality of life improvement.
Remember that time when you realized that you built your entire character wrong? Whatever were you going to do to fix it? The developers have answered by introducing the Scroll of Amnesia to the game. This is an item that will be available within Diablo 4 that will allow players to respec their characters.

New Expansions

ChoseN from the team behind the Diablo 4 developer live stream revealed that the game will have future expansions. It is important to note that even though expansions are the norm nowadays, none of the previous Diablo games have had any expansions. We take this announcement as good news! Why? This means that the developers are considering Diablo 4 to be a long term commitment, ensuring that players will get consistent updates for an extended period of time. 

The Season Journey

Every season will have a seasonal character. Make sure to complete the “renown homework” present in the game before the 20th of July, as completion of this will reward you with 5 skill points and potions which you can use.

The new season allows players to collect smoldering ash which will grant seasonal characters different powers. We are happy to report that the only thing behind a paywall in the new battle pass are cosmetics. No pay to win features here! 

diablo 4 developer live stream

The season journey will consist of seven chapters that are available for everyone regardless of whether they have the battle pass or not. But make sure that you complete your campaign before the start of the season.

That wraps up the Diablo 4 developer live stream

If the diablo 4 live stream summary doesn’t cut it for you and you need the intricate details, make sure to watch the live stream. However, it’s almost 2 hours long! We will be back with the latest updates on the game as soon we get the leaks. Make sure to tune in on the 18th as we elaborate on the patch that will be dropping in the future.

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I am Haizen, an avid gaming enthusiast who spends his time fiddling around with his retro consoles. Legend says that I was gifted a gaming console at 7 and the sun shone brighter than ever in a winter evening. If I am not buzzing around the gaming sub Reddits looking for the hottest news, I am sure to be mowing down some baddies in Halo!

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