Starfield vs Star Citizen: Which Game Is Better?


Starfield, one of the most popular space simulation games of recent years, is finally planned to be released on September 6, 2023. When we think of space-themed games, there are really great productions as Starfield in the industry. That’s exactly why we decided to prepare a guide called Starfield vs Star Citizen.

One of the first productions that come to mind in space simulation-themed games is Star Citizen. Star Citizen is a massive video game developed for over 10 years but still unreleased. Over the years, it has become one of the most anticipated games for players due to its spaceship battles, FPS-focused tactical combat, and open-world MMO gameplay. So what exactly are the differences between Starfield and Star Citizen? Let’s take a look at the answer to this question together.

Starfield vs Star Citizen: Universe Designs

Although the exact release date of Star Citizen is not clear, we have information about how the game is. First of all, we should say that Star Citizen is a large-scale game. For example, it offers both “COD”-like FPS gameplay and an online MMO experience like “Star Wars: Jedi Knight“. Especially when we look at the MMO gameplay, there are 4 planets, 9 moons and a few different celestial bodies. The universe system that makes up the whole atmosphere of the game consists of these. In addition, it is possible to travel freely between all these celestial bodies with your spacecraft. In addition, unfortunately, we cannot see the traces of the 10-year development about Star Citizen’s universe design.

When we look at Starfield, we directly encounter more than 1000 discoverable planets. Moreover, players will be able to establish a base on each planet as they wish. In particular, Bethesda used this base-building mechanic a lot in the Fallout series. Now they are considering diversifying the game by doing the same in Starfield.

As a result, when we look at the Starfield vs Star citizen debate in terms of outdoor design, Starfield’s superiority is obvious. However, time will tell how well they will be able to present it to the players. As a matter of fact, we can consider the first time of “No Man Sky”, which claims that there are thousands of planets and all of them can be discovered. Almost all the planets looked alike, and we hope Starfield and Bethesda don’t make that mistake.

Online Playability

Another factor we will examine is whether both games are online. First of all, we would like to point out that Starfield offers a completely single-player story adventure and does not have an online mode. In the story of this game, we find ourselves in the middle of a brutal war in the year 2310. War broke out between the United Colonies, which controls the solar system, and the Freestar Collective. After the devastating results of the war, the two sides reluctantly made a peace agreement and peace has prevailed for the last 20 years. In this period of peace, we embark on an adventure with our character as a member of the “Constellation” group of space explorers.

Star Citizen’s Online World

Coming to Star Citizen, exactly 4 different game modes await us. The first of these is called the Hangar, a place where trading takes place between players. Players can visit different spaceships, buy games or sell their own ships. At the same time, players have the ability to decorate this Hangar however they want. By the way, exactly the same mechanic exists for Starfield.

Other gameplay modes are Arena Commander, Star Marine and Persistent Universe, which are all online focused. The main feature of all these gameplay modes is that they offer conflict-oriented simulations. For example, Arena Commander offers a gameplay where you can use your space vehicles against both artificial intelligence and other people.

Star Marine, on the other hand, is completely CoD-like, similar to the FPS genre where players use popular weapons.

The point is, the Persistent Universe mod is fully online, allowing you to travel through the solar system. Players start the game on the space station by creating male or female avatars in this universe. They can then earn in-game money by trading, piracy, mining, and doing various quests. Players who want can rent spaceships or buy them directly. All these ship sales can be traded for real-life money. In short, we can easily say that this mode offers a wide range of online gaming adventures.

As a result, Starfield remains a classic singleplayer game, while Star Citizen offers an extensive online gaming experience. At this point, your own gaming habits will determine your decision about Starfield vs Star Citizen.


When we stop for a while and look at the style of the two games, you can immediately understand that Starfield is a clearer collective production. Moreover, let’s not forget that Star Citizen has been in development for almost 10 years and still hasn’t debuted. Of course, it is still a mystery whether they can actually successfully present the 1000s of discoverable planets to the players as Starfield promised. However, regardless of the outcome of the Starfield vs Star Citizen debate, both games will leave their mark on the industry in the years to come.

Avatar for Sergen Çelik

Although years have passed, I still continue my adventure of RPG and Strategy games passionately, which started with World of Warcraft. And combining this passion with my editorial career, I try to prepare the best video game guides for you.

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