Jack-O Crouch | Jack-O Pose Meme Explained 2023


Jack-O Pose or Jack-O Crouch is one of the funniest internet memes of all time. The pose of a character in the game Guilty Gear became a meme and went viral all over the internet. The Jack O pose that came out in 2019 has even been adapted to characters that aren’t relevant. Does a pose suit everyone? Definitely!

Jack-O Pose

So we want to bring an old meme back to life and let people know where it came from. If you’re wondering “what is the Jack O pose”, the rest of our article will give you the answers you want. So without wasting any more time, let’s pose!

The Origin of Jack-o Pose

Jack-O Pose is a pose performed by Jack-O Valentine, a character in Guilty Gear. Jack-O Pose only happens during the crouch animation. Guilty Gear Xrd REVELATOR game featuring Jack-o-pose was released on console in 2016. Jack-O Valentine, a beautiful and sweet female character in the game, performs this animation.

Because it was such a weird and interesting pose and it was considered crouch, it immediately became a meme and got a lot of attention. This trend became sensational on the internet and many people started imitating this pose. There are still those who do not forget this meme and try to make many different versions of it.

How Did Jack-o-pose Become a Meme?

Even though the game with the jack-o-pose crouch animation came out in 2016, the meme is not that old. A video titled “Absolute Queen” that Guilty Gear content creator “@munchyjr_” posted on his Twitter and YouTube channel on October 8th, 2019, is one of the earliest examples of a meme referencing the perfect crouch. This video has been watched millions of times and after that the Jack O Pose trend started.

After Jack O Pose became so popular, it was announced that a new character would be added to the Guilty Gear Strive game. This could be none other than Jack-O. She is the second character whose inclusion in the first season pass has been announced. Her design is largely unchanged from the previous game, with the modifications primarily brought on by the XRD story’s events.

Jack-O Pose

However, this news caught the attention of fans of the memes and many new players joined the game. Thus, Jack-o pose, one of the most well-known memes of 2019, became popular again. Funny and absurd memes have started to spread on the internet again.

Jack O Pose Real Life Memes

Many meme versions of Jack-o Pose have been made, such as cartoons, animations, game characters and more. But none of them are as funny as Jack O Pose real life. Imagine real people doing this pose! Even though it’s really hard to do, it’s very funny and it’s a position you’ll even have fun doing. However, we recommend that you do not try this pose if you are not flexible enough.

While it’s easy to design characters in this position, not everyone can do this pose in real life. Since it is a pose that gymrats and athletic people can do, it gained attention as a challenge as well as being a funny meme. Many videos and photos were taken under the name of Jack O Pose real life pose and people showed their talents. So think about it, if you could pose like this, wouldn’t you show it?

If you like fun and silly things, we have great news for you. You can try ridiculous avatars by looking at the list of funny Roblox avatars we have prepared.

Some Hilarious Jack-O Pose Memes

Here are some of the funniest Jack O Pose memes:

Jack-O Pose
Jack-O Pose

This is definitely among the funniest haha! Will Smith introduces Jack O Pose and highlights what an admirable move it is!

Jack-O Pose

This one definitely looks fire! Jack-O herself explains how to do the pose by spanking the boy, LMAO.

Jack-O Pose

Everyone looks so hot doing this pose, or ridiculous… Did you ever think you’d see this character in this state? We thought so too.

Jack-O Pose

I think this pose is a bit too complicated for him LOL. To do this, he should definitely watch and learn some tutorials on Youtube

Jack-O Pose

Of course, not every character looks silly while doing this pose. As you can see, some of them are extremely sexy and hot. In fact, considering that the nature of this pose is sexy, it suits some characters very well!

Here are some hilarious tweets about some people after they tried to do the pose:


Today we answered the question of “what is the Jack O Pose” for you and told the origin of this meme that is still funny for many years. There are still people who find this meme funny and make creative content about it. You can find most of these memes on Twitter or Reddit. So what do you think? Do you think this meme is really funny or overrated? We’re curious about your thoughts, so leave them in the comments. That’s all from us for today, take care!

Avatar for Sergen Çelik

Although years have passed, I still continue my adventure of RPG and Strategy games passionately, which started with World of Warcraft. And combining this passion with my editorial career, I try to prepare the best video game guides for you.

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