Starfield Mod Lets Players Add Star Wars Elements.

star wars starfield mod
Picture: Bethesda

A new Starfield mod just dropped today on NexusMods! Starfield is the latest title released by Bethesda, going live just last week on the 6th of September 2023. Ever since Starfield’s release, the community has been pumping out modifications for the game like there’s no tomorrow. Even though mods aren’t a foreign concept for Bethesda titles, it’s the first time its community showcased this much interest in the topic. 

The latest Starfield mod and the most trending is the Star Wars modification for the game. It’s been less than a week since the game got its complete release to both consoles and PCs. Starfield had a massive development cycle with multiple deployment and testing phases that lasted over five years. Naturally upon its release, the first set of mods to grace the game were just technical modifications created by players to enhance the already existing gameplay such as DLSS support and PC bypasses. However, the Star Wars modification is the first mod to introduce foreign elements into Starfield!

starfield mods
Picture: Reddit

This Star Wars mod for Starfield was created by the user Kboykboy and posted onto NexusMods. Prior to this the only real modification that existed was where the Bethesda logo was replaced with the PlayStation logo. Therefore, this modification is going down in the history books as the first major modification to the game.

The Star Wars Starfield mod is named the Galactic Civil War Conversion Mod and is now available on NexusMods. When applied to the game, the UC police officers are swapped with the Imperial Storm Troopers Star Wars. The modification has already blown up on Reddit, where users are posting about how they were chased down by these composite-armor-wearing space cops. Some have even worn the white armor themselves to join the empire!

Video: Thyworm

Since both Star Wars and Starfield follow the same theme which is that of a space colonizing space race. Players were already recreating iconic Star Wars spacecraft such as the Millennium Falcon and the Red within Starfield using customization tools. This had players hoping for the possibility of a Star Wars Starfield mod that fully converts the game into a reenactment of the Galactic Civil War. If you are one of these players, then we have some good news! Kboykboy has announced through his development notes that he will be doing just that.

Will there be any new updates for the Starfield mod?

Yes! But we have no clue regarding when it will drop. All we know is that Kboykboy wants to fully recreate the Galactic Civil War from the original Star Wars trilogy; complete with weapons and uniforms. Till then, this is the best we got, and when the new update does drop, we’ll be the first to tell you about it!

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I am Haizen, an avid gaming enthusiast who spends his time fiddling around with his retro consoles. Legend says that I was gifted a gaming console at 7 and the sun shone brighter than ever in a winter evening. If I am not buzzing around the gaming sub Reddits looking for the hottest news, I am sure to be mowing down some baddies in Halo!

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