Diablo 4 Teaser Reveals The “Corruption”

diablo 4 teaser

A Diablo 4 teaser has been released! The developer livestream for Diablo 4 is on its way and something new is stirring in the depths. The Diablo 4 teaser from Blizzard Studios’ gives the player base a glimpse of the Corruption that will be arriving in the first season of Diablo 4. With players already hyped up for the developer livestream since it will showcase the first season of Diablo 4, this teaser is just the icing on the cake! 

It’s been an entire month since Diablo 4 got released worldwide and players are still in the dark about future content. Blizzard has been extremely careful about the information they release to the public to maintain the hype behind the title. So far there haven’t been any trustable leaks regarding DLC’s, but the constant stream of updates by Blizzard has been enough to quench the thirst for more. 

When did the Diablo 4 teaser get released?

The team behind the development and release of Diablo 4 officially announced the schedule for their livestream through Twitter. According to the tweet, the livestream will be held today, the 6th of July at 11 A.M. PDT. The tweet contained the Diablo 4 teaser video which allowed players to Witness the Map of Sanctuary getting devoured by the Corruption. The blackish ink-like substance slowly covered the entire map before revealing the words, “Corruption is spreading”.

We still have no clue about the “Corruption” or what it does! However, it’s obvious that it’s something sinister. The general manager of the Diablo group humored the fanbase by stating that he might be the corruption through his Twitter! Rod Fergusson was not in the initial roster for the livestream, which means he is a last-minute addition. His addition could also be that a person of authority is needed to present some major reveals!

The first developer livestream that was held answered a ton of questions, helping the community to gain trust in the game. Without a doubt, the second livestream will be the same. So, even if you aren’t interested in the corruption or the Diablo 4 teaser, make sure to tune into the livestream that will be held to gain some insight on the developments of the game! 

An update on the corruption and a brief rundown of the livestream will be provided by us today post-stream. So tune into that if you miss the live stream by the Diablo 4 team. We will be summarizing and covering the major topics that were discussed along with our gaming insight on the matter later today!

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I am Haizen, an avid gaming enthusiast who spends his time fiddling around with his retro consoles. Legend says that I was gifted a gaming console at 7 and the sun shone brighter than ever in a winter evening. If I am not buzzing around the gaming sub Reddits looking for the hottest news, I am sure to be mowing down some baddies in Halo!

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