Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module Explained: How to Find It 2023


Although Fallout New Vegas is a game from years ago, it still continues to maintain its popularity with its extensive story and open world. In particular, the wide crafting menu in the game offers players the chance to do whatever they want freely. For example, the Fallout New Vegas sensor module, which we will examine today, is used in the crafting of multiple items, such as gas bombs. We decided to do a little more detailed research about the FNV sensor module.

Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module
Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module

With the information we gathered from our research, we will talk about where to find the sensor module or what to craft with it. In short, you will find all the details you are looking for in our guide about the Fallout NV sensor module. Now, if you are ready, let’s get started and take a quick look at the details of our article.

By the way, if you haven’t played FNV before, don’t worry. In case you are playing the game for the first time and would like to take a quick look, we have prepared a Fallout New Vegas Beginner Guide.

Where to Find Sensor Modules in Fallout New Vegas

Anyone who’s come to read our Fallout New Vegas sensor module guide probably already knows more or less what this item is for. We have prepared a list of locations because we know that the main question that the players ask is “Where to find sensor modules in Fallout New Vegas?”

  • If you want to find a sensor module in Fallout New Vegas, your first stop should be Goodsprings. In Goodsprings, there is a building called “General Store“. When you get there, if you walk to the back of this building, you will see a dilapidated caravan. Here is the Fallout NV sensor module waiting for you on a shelf inside that caravan.
Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module
  • Another area to visit to get the Fallout New Vegas sensor module is Freeside. After reaching Freeside, proceed north. Next, you need to reach the southwest of the North Freeside. If you’ve come this far, you’ll see the Cerulean Robotics, a dilapidated, abandoned, four-story building. You can find more than a dozen Fallout NV sensor modules inside this building.
sensor module new vegas
sensor module new vegas
  • Now, moving on to the north of Highway 95, at the end of the road, the small town of Novac is waiting for you. There are five sensor modules on the shelves of the gas station in Novac.
  • Before you leave Goodsprings, you need to make your way a little further south. Because there’s an old caravan radio station called Lone Wolf Radio. If you reach Lone Wolf Radio safely, you will find two sensor modules.
Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module
  • If you’re in Novac, stop and take a breath. And immediately turn slightly west to the south of Scorpion Gulch. There is an old rocket facility in this area. If you need a large quantity of Fallout New Vegas sensor modules, you should definitely visit the “REPCONN test site“. Because there are more than a dozen sensor modules here.
Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module repconn
Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module repconn
  • Did you know that there is a Vault 21 secret shop hidden under Las Vegas, Nevada? After the entrance of the shop, two sensor modules are waiting for you on the shelves on the right.
  • In the world of Fallout New Vegas, I think the sensor modules are mostly found in Novac. Thus, we came again to the Dino Dee-lite Motel in Novac. Once you enter this old hotel, you will see the sensor module in Bruce Isaac’s room on the top floor.
Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module
  • It is possible to find plenty of sensor modules in the cafeteria, ammo depot, and reloading benches of Nellis Air Force Base, located in the Mojave Wasteland.

As you can see, the sensor modules can be found in many areas of the Fallout New Vegas map. There are probably some of you who don’t want to visit all these areas one by one. For them, we will talk about ways to buy sensor modules.

Fallout New Vegas Sensor Module: Where to Buy It?

Although sensor modules are not easily found in the New Vegas universe, they become easier to get as you advance in the game. If you are lucky, sometimes there are some NPCs that you can buy sensor modules from. In the table below, you can find the details of all NPCs that sell Fallout New Vegas sensor modules.

NPC NameLocationDo they sell continuously?
Johnson NashPrimm – Vikki and Vance CasinoSensor module sales are randomized. It depends on your luck.
ChetGoodsprings General StoreSensor module sales are randomized. It depends on your luck.
Old Lady GibsonGibson Scrap YardRandomized
Traveling merchantMojave WastelandRandomized
Sarah WeintraubVault 21 Gift ShopSells continuously.

As you can see from the table, the sensor module is randomly sold at vendors in New Vegas. However, sensor modules are constantly sold in the Sarah Weintraub gift shop in Vault 21.

Sensor Module Fallout New Vegas: What to Craft With It?

From the beginning of our sensor module guide, we have discussed in detail where to find sensor modules and where they are being sold. So, let’s take a look at what exactly they are used for.

  • It is used to craft the Bottlecap Mine, a mine-like weapon.
  • Powder Charge is a sealed tin explosive filled with dynamite that works just like the Bottlecap Mine. In its crafting, one sensor module is used.
  • Fat Mine is a mini-nuclear bomb, known as one of the most powerful explosives in the game, and one sensor module is used in its crafting.
  • Another weapon crafted using the sensor module is the gas bomb.
  • An auto-inject stimpak is used when your character’s health drops below 50%. It includes a sensor module in its production.
  • Auto-inject super stimpak
  • A sensor module is also used in the production of the Satchel Charge, which is an old-style C4.

Looking at the crafting list, you may have noticed that the sensor module is generally used to craft explosives. In particular, we loved Fat Mine. What do you think?

Avatar for Sergen Çelik

Although years have passed, I still continue my adventure of RPG and Strategy games passionately, which started with World of Warcraft. And combining this passion with my editorial career, I try to prepare the best video game guides for you.

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