Nintendo New Console: More Of The Same, Probably



the nintendo switch

In the early eighties, after seeing a new trailer for the Nintendo NES with ROB placing a cartridge into the new console, I knew I had to have it. Years passed and while the SEGA Mega Drive became very popular with Sonic, Golden Axe, and co, Nintendo exceeded all my expectations with the Famicom (SNES).

The SNES had everything a child or teen could want. A variety of popular favourites such as Super Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, also more mature games such as Final Fight, Doom, and Mortal Kombat. As more and more consoles entered the arena such as PC Engine, Neo Geo, and even Atari (again), Nintendo’s consoles after the 64 gained the unwanted title of being the ‘baby console’ in many circles.

They continued to give us Mario, Zelda, and Metroid sequels, but suddenly the non-kid-friendly titles seemed to become less available when the Wii dropped in 2006. I read an interview a few years back from Nintendo stating that “we don’t chase hardware trends” which may explain their lack of being front runners in hardware power anymore either. Add in the increased emphasis on the family console element and they were only really heading in one direction.

The legend of zelda

Coming from literally having verbal battles on the playground to writing this article, it has become obvious that PlayStation and Nintendo are the places to be to satisfy any all-round gaming needs. The recent PlayStation 5 & Series X continue to push the boundaries of gaming power, sound, and mature games which Nintendo checked out of years ago.

Big titles such as Starfield, God of War, Elden Ring, and The Ghost of Tsushima are now bigger draws to young adults rather than the once unstoppable Zelda, despite its recent success.

Recently, information was leaked from an investor meeting that a new console would be unveiled next year, with increased data storage, back-compatible options, non-OLED screen pads, and allegedly similar power to the PS4 Pro (not confirmed).

While it would be best to wait for all the stats to be revealed before final judgment, it does sound like more of the same sadly.

No titles have been revealed, but after the mega success of the Switch, I am expecting more family titles and the ‘baby console’ moniker to grow. I still love my Nintendo Switch, but it will continue to collect dust until Nintendo becomes a lot looser with the ‘family’ related games, which I know they won’t.

Cooking Mama 2024 here we come.

Avatar for Mike Ironside

Just a writer consumed by imagination, opinions and cinema.

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